Here's my first DIY post! This past weekend I FINALLY purchased an iPad. I didn't want to spend a bagillion dollars on a case and screen protector, so I ordered them online at a way cheaper price. I am so scared that I will scratch or hurt my new toy, so I decided I needed to make a cover or sleeve to keep it in. I searched on Pinterest and came across this super cheap and easy DIY iPad case from
P.S. I Made This and decided to try it. I luckly had some no slip shelving liners laying around the house. Here is a list of what you need:
-Shelf liner (got mine at Deals for $1)
-Duck tape (duck tape makes several different designs of duck tape so be creative with it!)
-velcrow or super strong magnets
Unfortunately I don't have step by step pictures on how to make this, but you can find them at the link above at P.S I Made This.
all you do is cut the liner to the length you need to make a sleeve. You can kind of tell from my pictures what I mean by this. Then all you do is cover it with the duck tape binding the edges to close them up. Tape the magets so you can use them as the clasp (velcrow also works well, I used magnets because that is what I had already). That's it! you've now got a super cute and super
CHEAP (cuz I'm all about cheaper the better!) iPad case.